Skye Seas Survey Initiative

Cover image Loch Eishort © SSSi


Skye Seas Survey Initiative (SSSI) (formerly South Skye Seas initiative) is a community-based group working towards a protected and healthy marine environment within the South Skye and adjacent sea lochs. SSSI seeks to tackle the absence of adequate protection for marine biodiversity in and around Lochs Eishort, Slapin and Scavaig and the ongoing threat of ecologically unsustainable commercial development.

SSSI collaborates with the South Skye community and numerous wildlife organisations to record, monitor and protect marine and seashore biodiversity.

Since 2005, SSSi have been conducting surveys of the South Skye sea lochs, including ROV surveying, shoreline monitoring and monitoring of Priority Marine Features (PMFs).  The collected data has been provided to national databases to inform marine management policy for the region.